My Profile

Property Owner Profile

Your Property Owner profile is very important, as this contains all of the information about you that is displayed to users of the site when they are viewing the owner information on a property. To set up your user profile with a picture and bio, go to the Manage Content tab of your dashboard and click on Manage User Profiles. This will list all the profiles associated with your site. From here you can choose edit profile.


Complete this field with your full name.


Upload an image that you like and select a crop.


This field allows you to tell users a little about yourself.

Short Info

This text will be shown on the property page. You may use it to define a telephone number or a short description. If this field is left blank, the summary of the property description will appear below your name on the property page.

Mailing Address

Filling this field out is important because it ensures that the proper tax rate is charged to guests.

Social Pages

These fields allow you to link any relevant social media accounts with your profile and property. The social media icons will appear below your name and Short Info on all property homepages that you are listed as Owner of.